South County Citizens for Public Lands

The South County Citizens for Public Lands group is meeting regularly and working on content for our webpage. We plan to have sections on information, actions we can take, and a “good news” section. We will focus on mostly local matters with some broader issues included. We are inviting folks to join a small, dedicated group of fellow progressives who care about our environment. 

Patty Wilson


Social Organizing Workgroup


This spring the Social Organizing Workgroup is working on informal, purely social and highly localized gatherings for EDP members and prospective members get to know each other on a personal level. We hope these gatherings will help reduce feelings of isolation for progressives living in these highly “red” communities, acquaint neighbors and friends with the progressive viewpoint and identify shared concerns, and promote progressives as a positive, friendly, and helpful presence in the community. 

We are currently seeking “Neighborhood Captains” to help coordinate get-to-know-you and other social gatherings at the neighborhood level either in their own homes, in other volunteers’ homes, or at local eateries or other venues. If you're interested in helping out, please contact Kristy McKay at


News from our South County Citizens for Public Lands workgroup.

Great detailed report from the Center for Biological Diversity, Tom McClintock is the sponsor of two bills, and the co-sponsor of many. Our workgroup, South County Citizens for Public Lands, will be publishing actions and updates to relevant environmental legislation on our soon to be published page on the EDP website. Come visit/join us!

Read the report here

EDP Newsletter Feb. 2018

New Work Group

Civil Rights Now Work Group

This group was formed in January, spurred by strong negative responses to a racist opinion column in the Mountain Democrat. After meeting and laying out actions to take, the group decided to form the work group to support education in EDC about diversity, white privilege, to help businesses welcome tourists of all backgrounds, and more. So far the group has participated in a meeting with the staff of the Mountain Democrat, held weekly picketing near the MD offices, and mounted a march down Placerville Drive to the MD offices. In addition, the members are working to remove racial exclusions from CCRs and are dealing with an incident between two local high schools.


Here is just some of what our many work groups accomplished in 2017.

(Apologies if a group has been omitted.)

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Protest Art/Sign Making Work Group

Over 100 signs made and collected for events throughout the year. Topics include: Woman’s March, Environment, Health Care, McClintock’s office protests, Pride Parade, Solidarity with Charlottesville

Health Care Work Group
Held regular calling campaigns to prevent ACA repeal. Held six rallies in Placerville. Held Community Conversations on Health Care in California event, open to the public. Produced and distributed wallet cards to promote access for young people to birth control services.
In 2018: Hold at least two more speaker series sessions; continue advocacy at local, state, and federal levels; support register to vote and Get Out the Vote efforts.

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Communications Workgroup

Created the following: EDP website, EDP Newsletter, numerous special mailings. In 2018, we want to expand the EDP membership of young people, strengthen our online presence in select formats such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and to continue improving the newsletter so that it meets EDP members’ needs.

Social Organizing Work Group

Held regular social meetings to discuss the political situation we are facing and provide support to each other; coordinated the summer picnic in Coloma; Coordinated EDP’s Charlottesville Response with vigil, march and non-violence training.

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Workers Solidarity Network Work Group

Worked on campaigns to support striking union members, shared information on increasing the power of workers, attended Diversity Training, and put together an ongoing Driscoll Boycott campaign. Worked on organizing the memorial part of the “We Still Have a Dream” march. The group has attended marches at State Capitol for immigration rights and labor rights.

Organizer Training Work Group

Held a number educational events on diversity, community organizing, privilege and merit; held two trainings by Imigrant Watch and Know Your Rights in English and with immigrant workers in Spanish. Have also met with vineyard managers about their rights to protect their workers.

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We need your photos and videos!


We have done so much and accomplished some wonderful things in the past 12-months. We want to recognize and honor those actions at our EDP First Anniversary Celebration on November 11.

Please send photos and videos of ANYTHING you have done with or through EDP, to Sean Frame ( who is putting together a show for us.

In particular, do you have anything from?

  • Women's March
  • Science March
  • Non-Violence and Bystander Trainings
  • Protect Public Lands Training
  • Any workgroup meetings and events
  • Any Coffee Confabs
  • Any EDP Meetings
  • We Still Have a Dream March
  • EDP Potluck and BBQ
  • Healthcare Town Halls
  • Healthcare/ACA Marches

Please drop photos and videos here on our Shared Google Drive

Or send them by email to

Thank you.

Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage Announces First Hearing in Series


Assemblymembers Jim Wood and Joaquin Arambula

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 5, 2017    CONTACT: Cathy Mudge   916.319.2002

SACRAMENTO—Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) and Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) announce the first in a series of hearings of the Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage to begin later this month, October 23-24 at the State Capitol.

“This committee is charged with identifying a pathway to healthcare for almost 40 million Californians; a pathway that we can propose to the full Legislature,” said Wood, who is a dentist. “I will do my best to identify those solutions that are comprehensive and sustainable, and that will ultimately provide affordable healthcare for all Californians.”

“As a doctor, I saw the challenges many Californians have in accessing good medical care,” said Arambula. “When I decided to run for office, I was convinced we could improve our state’s healthcare system and believe that California can and must do better for its residents. The committee is committed to finding workable solutions that will expand health care coverage and increase access to care and these hearings will help us better understand the complexities of our health care system.”

The first two days of hearings will bring in experts to provide an overview of California’s current health care system, including details on:

  • Who is and is not currently covered (Day 1)

  • Current coverage systems, including public programs, safety net providers and employer based and individual market coverage (Day 1)

  • How current systems are financed (Day 1)

  • Versions of universal health coverage around the globe (Day 2)

An opportunity for public comment will be provided at the hearing on the second day.
Future hearings, planned for later this year and early next year, will look at topics that include:

  • Health care systems within U.S. cities and states, both proposed and in operation, and the challenges they have faced in achieving health care for all

  • Input from stakeholders on proposed universal coverage systems, including but not limited to ACA expansion, single payer and hybrid systems

  • Identified challenges to achieving health care for all in California and what must be done to address them


The select committee was created in March by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, with Wood and Arambula as co-chairs. Other committee members appointed include Assembly members Autumn Burke (D-Inglewood), David Chiu (D-San Francisco), Laura Friedman (D-Glendale), Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) and Marie Waldron (R-Escondido).
