EDP General Meeting, Sunday, October 8, 3 p.m.


El Dorado County Fairgrounds (map)

The Organ Room

We have a lot to discuss at our next meeting, and several guests who will speak. Come early for refreshments and chatting, and to sign petitions and the like.


Jamie Buetler from Sierra Forward, on voter registration

David Albee, on single payer healthcare

Fatima Garcia, organizer and activist, on the Driscoll’s Berry boycott

Workers Solidarity Network Workgroup


We are still collecting signatures and will have petitions for people to sign at the October meeting in support of the Driscoll Berries Boycott. We are planning on presenting our petitions to a local grocery the week following our October meeting, with a written request that they not stock Driscoll's Berries.


Members of the Workgroup attended the Diversity Training that Mike Munoz presented, and had a great discussion afterwards. We are also sharing information and support on regional and local grievances and possible informational pickets that members are involved in, as well as the threat of federal legislation on Right to Work. 

Community Town Hall on healthcare--all are invited



The public is invited to a Community Town Hall on current and future healthcare in California.

Attendees will find out how the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare or the ACA) changed healthcare options for Californians and what challenges are ahead for getting all Californians the healthcare coverage they can afford. The speakers will explain what options are possible and will explore what single payer would mean for California. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentations.


Henry Abrons MD, retired pulmonologist and critical care physician; Physicians for a National Health Program

Jen Flory, Esq., lawyer and lobbyist; Western Center on Law & Poverty; specialist in the Affordable Care Act and Covered California

Refreshments will be available. Donations welcomed.

American Legion Hall (map)

4561 Greenstone Road

Placerville, CA 95667

ALMOST over the finish line--tell Gov. Brown sign AB249


Money Out of Politics workgroup

AB249 – ALMOST over the finish line! AB249 has finally passed both the Senate and Assembly with bi-partisan support. It is awaiting Governor Brown’s signature to go into effect in time for the 2018 elections. 

Unfortunately, his support is no sure thing; he has vetoed at least three campaign finance bills in the past. With an Oct 15 deadline, Friday, Oct 13 will be the last day to encourage him to sign.

So, the push is still on to show grassroots support for AB249 so that Governor Brown feels the pressure. Citizens standing up and taking action is the ONLY reason the bill has made it this far. Big Money has tried hard to derail this bill and keep the status quo.

What Progressives can do:

1.    Call Brown’s office, ask him to sign AB249. Toll free number, 877-257-9661. No message machine, so call between 9-5, M-F and talk to staff to leave your message. Keep trying until you get through (and you can call more than once).

2.    Make an official comment on Gov. Brown’s webform. Here’s how to do it; there are several steps to follow.

3.    Sign the petition to Gov. Brown (sign this version, even if you have signed other petition versions in the past.)  

4.    Ask your spouse, friend, neighbor to call, comment, and sign petition too. Every call, signature, and comment helps!

Here is just one of many good articles in the press about AB249:

California bill takes aim at dark money in politics — will Jerry Brown sign it?

San Jose Mercury News, 10/1/2017

Our November meeting is a celebration!


Where were you on November 9, 2016? It’s one of those days that will forever live in all of our memories. It is also the birthday of El Dorado Progressives!

On November 9, 2016, the day after the election, most of us were feeling confused, anxious, apprehensive, powerless, and maybe even isolated. Then we found each other, and we found our voice and our power. Well, it’s been a year so our next meeting, on Nov. 12, is a party: EDP First Anniversary Celebration Potluck Fundraiser.

We have much to celebrate on our journey.  Bring your favorite potluck dish, and your memories of the past year to share!  If you have pictures or video of events that EDP has been involved in, please upload them here, or send by email to eldoradoprogressives@gmail.com by October 20th,  so that we can put them into our slide show in time for the Potluck.   Bring your favorite stories of shared activities. Bring some new friends, too!  We are offering tickets through Eventbrite for this fundraising event.


This is a potluck, so you will need to bring a dish to share. EDP will provide non-alchoholic beverages. ALSO, IF YOU CAN, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN PLATE, GLASS, AND CUTLERY--WE ARE TRYING TO MINIMIZE THE USE OF DISPOSABLE ITEMS TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT!

Potluck arrangements

If your last name begins with:

A – E           Bring appetizers (cheese, crackers, hummus, meatballs, etc.)

F – L            Bring salads (any kind—veggie, fruit, jello, pasta, etc.)

M – O          Bring a “main course” (casserole, vegetarian, or meat-based)

P – S            Bring a dessert

T – Z            Bring bread or a starchy side dish based on grains, rice, potatoes, or noodles.

Dishes should serve four to six people. Please put your name on the bottom of your dish. Paper plates, cups, napkins and eating utensils will be provided along with coffee and tea.

Thank you for being an El Dorado Progressive. Though times are dark, we need to celebrate the light!

Healthcare Workgroup

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The Healthcare Workgroup will be having its monthly meeting on Monday, September 11th at 7:00 p.m. at the El Dorado County Office of Education, 6767 Green Valley Road at Missouri Flat, Placerville, Room B2. You're invited to come 6:30 to share a snack and conversation before the meeting. We hope you'll come find out what we're planning to educate our community about regarding access to healthcare, what is at stake, and what our options are.

Our next Healthcare Rally will be Friday, September 15th in Downtown Placerville, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., meeting in the parking lot by Cozmic Cafe on Main Street. All are invited to help show our community we care about healthcare and want it improved, not taken away.

The Reproductive Healthcare Subgroup will meet September 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the Raley's Placerville (166 Placerville Drive) meeting room to discuss how to distribute teen wallet cards on reproductive services in our area.

We STILL Have a Dream


We had an impressive turnout at the August 28 candlelight vigil in solidarity with Charlottesville and Heather Heyer. A very long line of sign-carrying marchers stretched from Benham Park to the Courthouse on Placerville’s Main Street. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a Dream” speech was read aloud on its 54th anniversary. Songs were sung. Candles were lit. The drivers of passing cars honked in support. It all began with de-escalation training and discussion at the park beforehand. All around it was a successful showing and effort. Congrats to EDP!

Boycott of Driscoll's Berries: Workers Solidarity Workgroup project

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The Workers Solidarity Network Workgroup has started a campaign in support of the Driscoll's Berries Boycott, in solidarity with Al Rojas of Sacramento LCLAA, and organizer/activist Fatima Garcia. We will have petitions at the EDP General Meeting on September 10. Please sign! Our next workgroup meeting will be at Totem Coffee, 312 Main Street, Placerville on September 24th, at 4pm. We will be finalizing plans to take our campaign into the stores of El Dorado County. We welcome all to participate!