Workers Solidarity

Worker Solidarity Network Workgroup

Worker Solidarity workgroup.png

On May 19th our workgroup put on the General Meeting for the El Dorado Progressives. The meeting was focused on labor issues.

There were some very inspiring speakers! Ruth Ibarra, president of the Sacramento Chapter of the Coalition of Labor Union Women and John Reimann, labor activist and editor of Oakland Socialist. EDP members from the Worker Solidarity Network spoke also and shared their stories on why unions were so important to them.

A big focus of the meeting was the ongoing struggle of farm workers in San Quintin, Baja California, Mexico, who grow strawberries for Driscoll's and the ongoing boycott of Driscoll Berries. People attending the meeting were provided with letters about the Driscoll boycott they could send to the major grocery corporations asking them to honor the boycott and remove Driscoll berries from their shelves.

The meeting was thought provoking and well taken; attendees stayed long after the meeting engaged in conversation.

Two days after the meeting, members of the Worker Solidarity Network teamed with other members of El Dorado Progressives to organize and attend an urgent protest at the downtown courthouse about the continuing rightwing attack on the right of women to control their own bodies.

Protesters stood in the rain making their voices heard loud and clear! While we received negative comments from a few, overall the citizens of Placerville were very supportive of the protest, especially young people and older women. We received many honks of support and thumbs up from people driving by.

It was a very active few days for our Worker Solidarity Network group.

Workers Solidarity Workgroup News

The happy diners at the EDP table.

The happy diners at the EDP table.

On the evening of March 9, a group from the EDP Worker Solidarity Network and the El Dorado Progressives sponsored a table at the fundraising dinner of Coalition of Labor Union Women with NorCal Resist. Large quantities of spaghetti were consumed. Excellent desserts were entered for a dessert auction. Our table raised the most donations and we were able to have first pick at the dessert table.

We were given a very warm welcome and felt very much at home at the IAM Local Lodge 946 Union Hall.

The next EDP-Workers Solidarity Network Meeting will be held on April 1, 6 pm. at 3221 Gerle Ave, Placerville (link).

Scott and Heather Schroeder,

Workers Solidarity Network Workgroup

We have had a busy month. We held our annual Driscoll's boycott Global Day of Action on September 29th. On this day we, along with many others across the country, went into our local grocery stores where we left flyers about why we are boycotting and hand-delivered letters to managers asking them to stop carrying Driscoll berries. We then had a freeway action where we stood with our boycott Driscoll signs for an hour.

We also joined workers from Red Hawk Casino and UNITE-HERE to distribute information about Marriott Hotel's so-called “Green Choice” program and how it harms workers.
