Greetings from your new Tri-Chairs

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A big thank you to Sean Frame, our founder and outgoing Chair, for all that he has done to birth EDP and grow our group for the past two years. We truly wish him the best in his continued service for Congressional District 4 and his campaign to unseat Tom McClintock and truly represent our values in Washington, DC. His work has been amazing and has brought growth, meaning, and joy to what we are doing.

We have a lot going on and, if you’re not already involved up to your ears, we hope that you will consider getting involved with one of our workgroups. They are doing important work and are fun.

Our active groups right now are:

Civil Rights Now!, Immigrant Rights, Workers Rights, Healthcare and Reproductive Health, and Protecting the Environment. And a new workgroup is starting up on Affordable Housing and Homelessness.

To join one, visit our sign-up form or contact one of us through the EDP email address (link).

Mark your calendar for April 14 at 3 pm for our next meeting with presentations on: voters in El Dorado County, the need for rent stabilization in trailer parks, and healthcare. The details can be found here and here. Bring a friend!

We are stronger together and we have more fun together!

Maureen Dion-Perry, Kristy McKay, and Sarah Saunders