The General Meeting of El Dorado Progressives is where you find out about all the exciting events that are coming up in the next month and how to get involved.
Hosted by:
- CD4 Indivisible Network
- El Dorado Progressives - Organization Page
- Sierra Nevada Revolution
- Sierra Forward
Open Meeting - (20 minutes)
Freedom, Opportunity, Responsibility, Cooperation/Community
What we do
Support our values locally
Look for political solutions to attacks on our values
Register voters
Support (but not endorse) candidates
How we’re organized
Work Groups do the work and define their mission and goals
Example: EDP Healthcare/Reproductive Health
Example: EDP Vote Smart
EDP Organization supports Workgroup activities
Workgroup sign-ups for new members
At the tables in the back of the room
Online at
The South County Lands Group is asking you to make a New Year’s Resolution to improve the environment and record it on the easel in the back
Workgroup Updates
Introduce Margaret to explain and hand out wallet cards
Introduce EDP-Vote-Smart to talk about successes and upcoming opportunities
What’s coming up in our meeting
Mountain Democrat Article and update what’s being done
Talk about what we’re doing to show that our town is too great for hate
Speakers to address different facets of the incident and fallout
Speakers (30 Minutes)
Terri Kline
Scott Schroeder
Mike Saunders
Guided Small Group Discussion on White Privilege (30 MInutes--15 and 15)
Topic: The Obama presidency seemed to herald a new era, moving towards racial equality. Yet we seem to be further from that ideal now than we have been for many years.
Did the day-to-day lives of regular black people change significantly for the better when Obama was elected? What types of policy changes would further a more just and equitable society?
Break into Small Groups
Return to main group and have small groups present their findings
Upcoming Events (10 Minutes)
SB562 Rally 1/17/18 11:00am-5:00pm at the Capitol Building, Sacramento - meet near the bathrooms
Protest against Racism in Our Community and the Mountain Democrat 2/3/18 9am-noon. Come when you can. Meet at Raley's Placerville Parking Lot behind the Shell Station
Hand out signs for MLK, Healthcare-for-all Rally and Women’s March
5. Meeting Adjourned